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  UV-to-FIR SED fitting study of dSFGs (Espino-Briones+, 2022)
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1.J/MNRAS/513/1175/table5csStellar population synthesis physical property results for complementary-sample dusty starbursts (18 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  ID (char) Spitzer/MIPS-24 ID designation (ID) (;meta.main)
  z  Redshift (redshift) (Note 1)   (src.redshift)
  logLtir [Lsun] Total IR luminosity (Ltir) (Note 2)   (phys.luminosity;em.IR)
  e_logLtir [Lsun] Mean uncertainty of logLtir (dLtir) (stat.error)
  logM*sy [Msun] Stellar Mass derived with Synthesizer code (Ms_sy) (phys.mass)
  e_logM*sy [Msun] Mean uncertainty of logM*sy (dMs_sy) (stat.error)
  logM*ci [Msun] Stellar Mass derived with CIGALE code (Ms_ci) (phys.mass)
  e_logM*ci [Msun] Mean uncertainty of logM*ci (dMs_ci) (stat.error)
  logSFRsy [Msun/yr]SFR averaged over 10 Myr derived with Synthesizer code (SFR_sy) (phys.SFR)
  e_logSFRsy [Msun/yr]Mean uncertainty of logSFRsy (dSFR_sy) (stat.error)

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  logSFRci [Msun/yr]SFR averaged over 10 Myr derived with CIGALE code (SFR_ci) (phys.SFR)
  e_logSFRci [Msun/yr]Mean uncertainty of logSFRci (dSFR_ci) (stat.error)
  AVysy mag The attenuation in V band of the young population AyouV derived with Synthesizer code (Avy_sy) (phys.absorption)
  e_AVysy mag Mean uncertainty of AVysy (dAvy_sy) (stat.error)
  AVyci mag The attenuation in V band of the young population AyouV derived with CIGALE code (Avy_ci) (phys.absorption)
  e_AVyci mag Mean uncertainty of AVyci (dAvy_ci) (stat.error)
  Ageysy Myr Estimated age of the young population tyou derived with Synthesizer code (Agy_sy) (time.age)
  e_Ageysy Myr Mean uncertainty of Ageysy (dAgy_sy) (stat.error)
  Ageyci Myr Estimated age of the young population tyou derived with CIGALE code (Agy_ci) (time.age)
  e_Ageyci Myr Mean uncertainty of Ageyci (dAgy_ci) (stat.error)
  Tauysy Gyr Young population e-folding time derived with Synthesizer code (Tay_sy) (time.scale)
  e_Tauysy Gyr Mean uncertainty of Tauysy (dTay_sy) (stat.error)
  bsy  Burst intensity as M*you/M* derived with Synthesizer code (bu_sy) (phys.mass;arith.ratio)

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  e_bsy  Mean uncertainty of bsy (dbu_sy) (stat.error)
  bci  Burst intensity as M*you/M* derived with CIGALE code (bu_ci) (phys.mass;arith.ratio)
  e_bci  Mean uncertainty of bci (dbu_ci) (stat.error)
  AVosy mag The attenuation in V band of the old population AoldV derived with Synthesizer code (Avo_sy) (phys.absorption)
  e_AVosy mag Mean uncertainty of AVosy (dAvo_sy) (stat.error)
  AVoci mag The attenuation in V band of the old population AoldV derived with CIGALE code (Avo_ci) (phys.absorption)
  e_AVoci mag Mean uncertainty of AVoci (dAvo_ci) (stat.error)
  Ageosy Gyr Estimated age of the old population told derived with Synthesizer code (Ago_sy) (time.age)
  e_Ageosy Gyr Mean uncertainty of Ageosy (dAgo_sy) (stat.error)
  Ageoci Gyr Estimated age of the old population told derived with CIGALE code (Ago_ci) (time.age)
  e_Ageoci Gyr Mean uncertainty of Ageoci (dAgo_ci) (stat.error)
  Tauosy Myr Old population e-folding time derived with Synthesizer code (Tao_sy) (time.scale)
  e_Tauosy Myr Mean uncertainty of Tauosy (dTao_sy) (stat.error)
  Tauoci Myr Old population e-folding time derived with CIGALE code (Tao_ci) (time.scale)
  e_Tauoci Myr Mean uncertainty of Tauoci (dTao_ci) (stat.error)

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