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  Models of a young star cluster ejecta (Molla+, 2012)
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1.J/MNRAS/425/1696/table1Basic information for 7 stellar masses (12, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 100) and 6 metallicites (0.0001, 0.0004, 0.004, 0.008, 0.02, 0.05) (42 rows)
2.J/MNRAS/425/1696/table6Total masses ejected by stellar winds in cluster (42 rows)
3.J/MNRAS/425/1696/table7Total masses ejected by supernovae in cluster (42 rows)
4.J/MNRAS/425/1696/table2Mass loss and elemental abundances for H, He4, C12, N14 and O16 of the 7 stellar masses of table1.dat (81900 rows)
5.J/MNRAS/425/1696/table3Accumulated masses ejected by stellar winds in a 106M☉ clusters (stars of masses 0.15≤M≤100) (72000 rows)
6.J/MNRAS/425/1696/table3bInstantaneous masses ejected by stellar winds in a 106M☉ clusters (stars of masses 0.15≤M≤100) (72000 rows)
7.J/MNRAS/425/1696/table5Accumulated masses ejected by SN-II in a 106M☉ clusters (stars of masses 0.15≤M≤100) (72000 rows)
8.J/MNRAS/425/1696/table5bInstantaneous masses ejected by SN-II in a 106M☉ clusters (stars of masses 0.15≤M≤100) (72000 rows)

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  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
   (ALL)Z   [0.0001/0.05] Total abundance in mass (Note G1)   (phys.mass)
  (1+4)Mini Msun [12/100] Initial (main sequence) stellar mass (phys.mass)
  (1)Mend Msun Final stellar mass (phys.mass)
  (1)tend Myr Evolutionary time to reach to the final mass (time.age;phys.mass)
  (1)Evol (char) plot of stellar evolution (meta.ref.url)
  (2+3+5+6+7+8)IMF (char) Symbol of IMF used (Note G2)   (;
  (2+3+5+7)Mej Msun Total ejected mass (phys.mass)
  (2+3+5+7)H Msun Accumulated ejected H mass (phys.mass)
  (2+3)He Msun Accumulated ejected He mass (phys.mass)
  (2+3)C Msun Accumulated ejected C mass (phys.mass)

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 (i)indexed column
  (2+3)N Msun Accumulated ejected N mass (phys.mass)
  (2+3)O Msun Accumulated ejected O mass (phys.mass)
  (2+3)cumul (char) evolution of accumulated mass ejected by stellar winds (meta.ref.url)
  (2+3)instant (char) evolution of instantaneous ejecta by stellar winds (meta.ref.url)
  (4+5+6+7+8)t Myr Evolutionary time (time.age)
  (4)dM/dt Msun/yr Mass loss rate (phys.mass.loss)
  (4)XH  Hydrogen abundance in mass fraction (phys.abund)
  (4)XHe4  4He abundance in mass fraction (phys.abund)
  (4)XC12  12C abundance in mass fraction (phys.abund)
  (4)XN14  14N abundance in mass fraction (phys.abund)
  (4)XO16  16O abundance in mass fraction (phys.abund)
  (4)M Msun Stellar mass at t time (phys.mass)
  (5+7)He4 Msun Accumulated ejected He4 mass in M☉ (phys.mass)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (5+7)C12 Msun Accumulated ejected C12 mass in M☉ (phys.mass)
  (5+7)N14 Msun Accumulated ejected N14 mass in M☉ (phys.mass)
  (5+7)O16 Msun Accumulated ejected O16 mass in M☉ (phys.mass)
  (5+6)Zej   [0/1] Ejecta total abundance (phys.abund.Z)
  (6+8)Mej Msun/yr Instantaneous total ejected mass by massive stars (M>12M) (phys.mass)
  (6+8)H Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected H mass in M☉ (phys.mass)
  (6+8)He4 Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected He4 mass in M☉ (phys.mass)
  (6+8)C12 Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected C12 mass in M☉ (phys.mass)
  (6+8)N14 Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected N14 mass in M☉ (phys.mass)
  (6+8)O16 Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected O16 mass in M☉ (phys.mass)
  (7)C13 Msun Accumulated ejected 13C mass (phys.mass)
  (7)Ne Msun Accumulated ejected Ne mass (phys.mass)
  (7)Mg Msun Accumulated ejected Mg mass (phys.mass)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (7)Si Msun Accumulated ejected Si mass (phys.mass)
  (7)S Msun Accumulated ejected S mass (phys.mass)
  (7)Ca Msun Accumulated ejected Ca mass (phys.mass)
  (7)Fe Msun Accumulated ejected Fe mass (phys.mass)
  (8)C13 Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected 13C mass (phys.mass)
  (8)Ne Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected Ne mass (phys.mass)
  (8)Mg Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected Mg mass (phys.mass)
  (8)Si Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected Si mass (phys.mass)
  (8)S Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected S mass (phys.mass)
  (8)Ca Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected Ca mass (phys.mass)
  (8)Fe Msun/yr Instantaneous ejected Fe mass (phys.mass)
  (8)MSN Msun Initial Mass of the star exploding as SN (phys.mass)
  (8)Mrem Msun Remnant of the star exploding as SN (phys.mass)

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  (8)FLAG (char) Indication of SN or non-SN time (Note 1)   (meta.code)

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