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  YSO candidates in 30 Doradus from IR and ALMA obs. (Nayak+, 2023)
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1.J/ApJ/944/26/table7YSO candidates associated with the smallest 13CO clump calculated using the LTE mass (34 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) YSO identifier (nos among Y3 to Y474) (;meta.main)
  Myso Msun [4.5/29] YSO mass (phys.mass)
  13COID   [10/654] YSO 13CO clump identifier (Note G1)   (
  Mlte13CO Msun [11.13/12500] The 13CO LTE mass (phys.mass;em.line.CO)
  e_Mlte13CO Msun [0.002/0.14] Error in 13CO-Mass (stat.error;phys.mass;em.line.CO)
  Mden13CO Msun/pc2 [42.1/2115] The 13CO LTE mass surface density (Note G2)   (;em.line.CO)
  e_Mden13CO Msun/pc2 [0.002/0.14] Error in 13CO-MassDen (stat.error;

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