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  High-mass white dwarfs in Gaia DR2 (Cheng+, 2019)
Post annotation
1.J/ApJ/886/100/catalogNearby high-mass white dwarfs catalog (1066 rows)

Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) White dwarf name (Whitedwarfname) (Note 1)   (;meta.main)
  Source  Gaia DR2 source id (source_id) (Note 2)   (
  RA_ICRS deg (i) Gaia right ascension (ICRS) at Ep=2015.15 (ra) (Note 2)   (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DE_ICRS deg (i) Gaia declination (ICRS) at Ep=2015.15 (dec) (Note 2)   (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  Plx mas Gaia parallax (parallax) (Note 2)   (pos.parallax)
  e_Plx mas Gaia parallax error (parallax_error) (Note 2)   (stat.error;pos.parallax)
  pmRA mas/yr proper motion in RA, pmRA*cosDE (pmra) (Note 2)   (;pos.eq.ra)
  pmDE mas/yr proper motion in DE (pmdec) (Note 2)   (;pos.eq.dec)
  epsi mas Excess noise of the source (astrometricexcessnoise) (Note 2)   (
  amax mas The longest semi-major axis of the 5-d error ellipsoid (astrometricsigma5dmax) (Note 2)   (phys.angSize.smajAxis)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  FG e-/s G-band mean flux (photgmean_flux) (Note 2)   (phot.flux.density;em.opt)
  e_FG e-/s Error on G-band mean flux (photgmeanfluxerror) (Note 2)   (stat.error)
  Gmag mag Gaia G-band magnitude (photgmean_mag) (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.opt)
  FBP e-/s Error on the integrated BP mean flux (photbpmean_flux) (Note 2)   (phot.flux.density;em.opt.B)
  e_FBP e-/s Error on the integrated BP mean flux (photbpmeanfluxerror) (Note 2)   (stat.error)
  BPmag mag Gaia BP-band magnitude (photbpmean_mag) (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  FRP e-/s Mean flux in the integrated RP band (photrpmean_flux) (Note 2)   (phot.flux.density;em.opt.R)
  e_FRP e-/s Error on the integrated RP mean flux (photrpmeanfluxerror) (Note 2)   (stat.error)
  RPmag mag Gaia RP-band magnitude (photrpmean_mag) (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  E(BR/RP)  BP/RP excess factor (photbprpexcessfactor) (Note 2)   (arith.factor)
  GLON deg Galactic longitude (l) (Note 2)   (pos.galactic.lon)
  GLAT deg Galactic latitude (b) (Note 2)   (
  BP-RP mag Gaia BP-RP colour index (bp_rp) (Note 2)   (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  GMAG mag Absolute mag of Gaia G band (MG) (Note 3)   (phys.magAbs)
  e_BP-RP mag Error in BP-RP (bprperror) (stat.error)
  e_GMAG mag Error on GMAG (MG_error) (Note 4)   (stat.error)
  AgeHf Gyr Photometric age assuming pure-Hydrogen atmosphere (ageHf) (Note 5)   (time.age)
  MassHf Msun Photometric mass assuming pure-Hydrogen atmosphere (massHf) (5) (Note 7)   (phys.mass)
  AgeHo Gyr Photometric age assuming pure-Hydrogen atmosphere (ageHo) (5) (Note 8)   (time.age)
  MassHo Msun Photometric mass assuming pure-Hydrogen atmosphere (massHo) (5) (Note 8)   (phys.mass)
  AgeHef Gyr (n) Photometric age assuming pure-Helium atmosphere (ageHef) (Note 6)   (time.age)
  MassHef Msun (n) Photometric mass assuming pure-Helium atmosphere (massHef) (6) (Note 7)   (phys.mass)
  AgeHeo Gyr (n) Photometric age assuming pure-Helium atmosphere (ageHeo) (6) (Note 8)   (time.age)
  MassHeo Msun (n) Photometric mass assuming pure-Helium atmosphere (massHeo) (6) (Note 8)   (phys.mass)
  vL km/s Transverse velocity in Galactic longitude (vL) (Note 9)   (phys.veloc)
  vB km/s Transverse velocity in Galactic latitude (vB) (Note 9)   (phys.veloc)
  MWDDspT (char) Spectral type (MWDD_spectype) (10) (Note 11)   (src.spType)
  MWDDwdid (char) useful for search in MWDD (MWDD_wdid) (Note 10)   (
  MWDDwdname (char) useful for search in MWDD (MWDD_wdname) (Note 10)   (
  MWDDismag (char) Is it magnetic? (MWDD_ismag) (Note 10)   (phys.magField;phys.mol.dipole.magnetic)
  Region (char) [ELQ] Region on HDR (region on HRD) (Note 12)   (meta.code)
  Simbad  ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)
  _RA.icrs deg (n)(i) Right Ascension (ICRS, epoch 2000) computed by CDS (pos.eq.ra)
  _DE.icrs deg (n)(i) Declination (ICRS, epoch 2000) computed by CDS (pos.eq.dec)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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