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  ASTRAL: reference spectra for evolved M stars (Carpenter+, 2018)
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1.J/ApJ/869/157/table8Properties of chromospheric and wind lines in the γCru ASTRAL spectrum (333 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  lambda 0.1nm [1244/2870] Laboratory wavelength, vacuum, Angstroms (Note G1)   (em.wl)
  Line (char) Atomic and molecular line (Note G1)   (;spect.line)
  loggf [-] [-8.17/0.54] log, statistical weight*oscillator strength (Note G1)   (stat.weight;phys.atmol.oscStrength)
  tau-lte   [-7.8/0.8] LTE opacity (τLTE) (phys.absorption.coeff)
  Elow cm-1 [0/56371] Energy, lower (Note G1)   (;stat.min)
  Eup cm-1 [35051/105654] Energy, upper (Note G1)   (;stat.max)
  RV-em km/s (n) [-25.9/14.7] Radial velocity, emission line, relative to the stellar RV of 20.6km/s (phys.veloc;arith.diff)
  RV-abs1 km/s (n) [-20.3/32.7] Radial velocity, absorption line 1, relative to the stellar RV of 20.6km/s (phys.veloc;arith.diff)
  RV-abs2 km/s (n) [-31.2/5.2] Radial velocity, absorption line 2, relative to the stellar RV of 20.6km/s (phys.veloc;arith.diff)
  FWHM-em km/s (n) [8/64] emission line full width at half maximum (spect.line.width)
  FWHM-abs1 km/s (n) [7/921] absorption line 1 FWHM (spect.line.width)
  FWHM-abs2 km/s (n) [10/34] absorption line 2 FWHM (spect.line.width)
  LFint 10-15mW/m2(n) [1/23452] integrated emission line flux observed at Earth, 10-15 erg/s/cm2 (phot.flux)
  LFs mW/m2 (n) [0.4/8767.5] integrated emission line flux observed at the stellar surface, erg/s/cm2 (phot.flux)
  EW1 0.1nm (n) [0/150.4] Equivalent width, absorption line 1, in Å units (meta.unit;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EW2 0.1nm (n) [0/86] Equivalent width, absorption line 2, in Å units (meta.unit;spect.line.eqWidth)

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