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  Neutrino cross sections for SNe (Yoshida+, 2008)
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1.J/ApJ/686/448/NueNeutrino-induced charged-current reaction cross sections for νe of 12C based on the SFO Hamiltonian (table 4) or PSDMK2 Hamiltonian (table 7) (358 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Enu MeV Energy of neutrino (
  H (char) SFO (table4) or PSDMK2 Hamiltonian (table7) (meta.code)
  12C 10-42cm2 (n) Decomposition rate of 12C (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  n 10-42cm2 (n) Neutron reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  p 10-42cm2 (n) Proton reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  d 10-42cm2 (n) Deuteron reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  t 10-42cm2 (n) The 3H reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  3He 10-42cm2 (n) The 3He reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  4He 10-42cm2 (n) The 4He reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  6Li 10-42cm2 (n) The 6Li reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  7Li 10-42cm2 (n) The 7Li reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  8Li 10-42cm2 (n) The 8Li reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  7Be 10-42cm2 (n) The 7Be reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  9Be 10-42cm2 (n) The 9Be reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  8B 10-42cm2 (n) The 8B reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  10B 10-42cm2 (n) The 10B reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  9C 10-42cm2 (n) The 9C reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  10C 10-42cm2 (n) The 10C reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  11C 10-42cm2 (n) The 11C reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  12N 10-42cm2 (n) The 12N reaction cross section (phys.atmol.crossSection)
  All  All cross-sections for this Eν (phys.atmol.crossSection)

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