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  Spectra of T dwarfs. I. (Burgasser+, 2002)
Post annotation
1.J/ApJ/564/421/table3(c)2MASS IDR2 Sources Unconfirmed in Second Epoch Imaging (373 rows)
2.J/ApJ/564/421/table4Log of NIRC and OSIRIS Observations (42 rows)
3.J/ApJ/564/421/table5Comparison of NIRC Spectrophotometric colors to 2MASS photometry (20 rows)
4.J/ApJ/564/421/table6(c)New T Dwarfs Identified in the 2MASS Catalog (11 rows)
5.J/ApJ/564/421/table7(c)Known T Dwarfs (24 rows)
6.J/ApJ/564/421/table10Spectral diagnostics for L and T dwarf standards (9 rows)
7.J/ApJ/564/421/table11T dwarf spectral indices: NIRC and D78 data (15 rows)
8.J/ApJ/564/421/table12T dwarf spectral indices: OSIRIS data (14 rows)
9.J/ApJ/564/421/table13T dwarf spectral indices: data from literature (8 rows)
10.J/ApJ/564/421/table15K I pseudoequivalent widths: OSIRIS data (20 rows)
11.J/ApJ/564/421/table16K I pseudoequivalent widths: data from literature (30 rows)

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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  (1+4)2MASSI (char) Object name (Note 1)   (;meta.main)
  (1)2MASSI_data (char) Link to all parameters from 2MASS Incremental Release (meta.note)
  (1)O2MASS "Y:M:D" The UT year of 2MASS observation (time.epoch)
  (1+4+5)Jmag mag The 2MASS J band magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  (1+4+5)e_Jmag mag Uncertainty in Jmag (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  (1+4)Hmag mag The 2MASS H band magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  (1+4)e_Hmag mag Uncertainty in Hmag (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  (1)l_Ksmag (char) The limit flag in Ksmag (meta.code.error)
  (1+4)Ksmag mag The 2MASS Ks band magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.K)
  (1+4)e_Ksmag mag (n) Uncertainty in Ksmag (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (1)Inst (char) Instrument used in additional observations (Note 2)   (instr.setup;obs)
  (1)Add "Y:M:D" The UT year of the additional observation (time.epoch)
  (1)n_Inst (char) Note on Inst (Note 3)   (meta.note)
  (1+4+5)_RA deg (i) Position (derived from the 2MASSI name) (right ascension part) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  (1+4+5)_DE deg (i) Position (derived from the 2MASSI name) (declination part) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  (2)Obs (char) Observations (NIRC or OSIRIS) (;instr)
  (2+3+5+6+7+8+9+10+11)Object (char) Object designation (;meta.main)
  (2+3+7+8+9)n_Object (char) [b] b: Previously identified M and L dwarfs observed for spectral comparison (meta.note)
  (2+5+6+10+11)Type (char) Dwarf type (L, M or T) (Note G1)   (src.spType)
  (2)Date "Y:M:D" (n)UT Date of observation (time.epoch;obs)
  (2)Tint s Integration time (time.epoch)
  (2)AirMass  Airmass (obs.airMass)
  (2)AirMass2  (n) Upper value of airmass when interval (obs.airMass)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)Cal (char) Calibrator name (
  (2)SpType (char) Spectral type of the calibrator, from SIMBAD database (src.spType)
  (3)(J-H)2 mag 2MASS photometric J-H colour index (phot.color;em.IR.J;em.IR.H)
  (3)e_(J-H)2 mag rms uncertainty on J-H (stat.error)
  (3)(J-H)N mag NIRC spectrophotometric J-H colour index (phot.color;em.IR.J;em.IR.H)
  (3)D(J-H) mag (J-H) difference, 2MASS minus NIRC (phot.color;arith.diff)
  (3)l_(H-Ks)2 (char) Limit flag on H-Ks (meta.code.error)
  (3)(H-Ks)2 mag 2MASS photometric H-Ks colour index (phot.color;em.IR.H;em.IR.K)
  (3)e_(H-Ks)2 mag (n) rms uncertainty on H-Ks (stat.error)
  (3)(H-Ks)N mag NIRC spectrophotometric H-Ks colour index (phot.color;em.IR.H;em.IR.K)
  (3)D(H-Ks) mag (n) (H-Ks) difference, 2MASS minus NIRC (phot.color;arith.diff)
  (3)l_(J-Ks)2 (char) Limit flag on J-Ks (meta.code.error)
  (3)(J-Ks)2 mag 2MASS photometric J-Ks colour index (phot.color;em.IR.J;em.IR.K)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)e_(J-Ks)2 mag (n) rms uncertainty on J-Ks (stat.error)
  (3)(J-Ks)N mag NIRC spectrophotometric J-H colour index (phot.color;em.IR.J;em.IR.H)
  (3)D(J-Ks) mag (n) (J-Ks) difference, 2MASS minus NIRC (phot.color;arith.diff)
  (4)Sample (char) Primary sample (Note 1)   (
  (5)Note (char) [bc] Note on photometry (Note 1)   (meta.note)
  (5)J-H mag (n) J-H colour index (phot.color;em.IR.J;em.IR.H)
  (5)e_J-H mag (n) rms uncertainty on J-H (stat.error;phot.color;em.IR.J)
  (5)l_H-Ks (char) Limit flag on H-Ks (meta.code.error;phot.color;em.IR.H)
  (5)H-Ks mag (n) H-Ks colour index (phot.color;em.IR.H;em.IR.K)
  (5)e_H-Ks mag (n) rms uncertainty on H-Ks (stat.error;phot.color;em.IR.H)
  (5)l_J-Ks (char) Limit flag on J-Ks (meta.code.error;phot.color;em.IR.J)
  (5)J-Ks mag J-Ks colour index (phot.color;em.IR.J;em.IR.K)
  (5)e_J-Ks mag (n) rms uncertainty on J-Ks (stat.error;phot.color;em.IR.J)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (5+10+11)Ref  Reference for photometry (Note 2)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  (6+7+8+9)H2O-A  H2O-A spectral diagnostic (Note G2)   (meta.note)
  (6+7+8+9)H2O-B  H2O-B spectral diagnostic (Note G2)   (meta.note)
  (6+7+8+9)CH4-A  CH4-A spectral diagnostic (Note G2)   (meta.note)
  (6+7+8+9)CH4-B  CH4-B spectral diagnostic (Note G2)   (meta.note)
  (6+7+8+9)CH4-C  CH4-C spectral diagnostic (Note G2)   (meta.note)
  (6+7+8+9)H/J  H/J spectral diagnostic (Note G2)   (meta.note)
  (6+7+8+9)K/J  K/J spectral diagnostic (Note G2)   (meta.note)
  (6+7+8+9)2.11/2.07  2.11/2.07 spectral diagnostic (Note G2)   (meta.note)
  (7+8+9)T(H2O-A) (char) T sub-type from H2O-A (meta.note)
  (7+8+9)T(H2O-B) (char) T sub-type from H2O-B (meta.note)
  (7+8+9)T(CH4-A) (char) T sub-type from CH4-A (meta.note)
  (7+8+9)T(CH4-B) (char) T sub-type from CH4-B (meta.note)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (7+8+9)T(CH4-C) (char) T sub-type from CH4-C (meta.note)
  (7+8+9)T(H/J) (char) T sub-type from H/J (meta.note)
  (7+8+9)T(K/J) (char) T sub-type from K/J (meta.note)
  (7+8+9)T(2.11/2.07) (char) T sub-type from 2.11/2.07 (meta.note)
  (7+8+9)Type  Final dwarf T sub-type (Note G1)   (src.spType)
  (7+8+9)u_Type (char) Uncertainty flag on Type Spectral due to poor quality spectrum (meta.note)
  (7+8+9)e_Type  (n) rms uncertainty on Type (meta.note)
  (7+8+9)Ref (char) References for table13.dat (Note 3)   (meta.note)
  (10+11)lambdac1 um Central wavelength for 1.2432µm line (em.wl.central)
  (10+11)l_PEW1 (char) Limit flag on PEW1 (meta.code.error)
  (10+11)PEW1 0.1nm Pseudoequivalent width for 1.2432µm line (spect.line.eqWidth)
  (10+11)e_PEW1 0.1nm (n) rms uncertainty on PEW1 (stat.error)
  (10+11)lambdac2 um Central wavelength for 1.2522µm line (em.wl.central)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (10+11)PEW2 0.1nm Pseudoequivalent width for 1.2522µm line (spect.line.eqWidth)
  (10+11)e_PEW2 0.1nm (n) rms uncertainty on PEW2 (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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