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  Asteroids spin orientation and phase function (Carry+, 2024)
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1.J/A+A/687/A38/catalogFINK SSOFT (ZTF photometry, FINK broker) (122675 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  SSOnumber  (n) Official IAU number (sso_number) (
  SSOname (char) Official IAU designation (sso_name) (;meta.main)
  Nobs  (n) Total number of observations (n_obs) (meta.number)
  Nobs-g  (n) Number of observations in g filter (nobsg) (meta.number)
  Nobs-r  (n) Number of observations in r filter (nobsr) (meta.number)
  Minphase  (n) Minimum phase angle of observations (min_phase) (src.orbital)
  Minphase-g  (n) Minimum phase angle of observations in g filter (minphaseg) (src.orbital)
  Minphase-r  (n) Minimum phase angle of observations in r filter (minphaser) (src.orbital)
  Maxphase  (n) Maximum phase angle of observations (max_phase) (src.orbital)
  Maxphase-g  (n) Maximum phase angle of observations in g filter (maxphaseg) (src.orbital)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Maxphase-r  (n) Maximum phase angle of observations in r filter (maxphaser) (src.orbital)
  Ndays  (n) Number of days covered by observations (n_days) (meta.number)
  Ndays-g  (n) Number of days covered by observations in g filter (ndaysg) (meta.number)
  Ndays-r  (n) Number of days covered by observations in r filter (ndaysr) (meta.number)
  HG-H-g mag (n) Absolute magnitude H in HG model in g filter (HGHg) (phys.magAbs)
  e_HG-H-g mag (n) Uncertainty on the absolute magnitude H in HG model in g filter (HGdHg) (phys.magAbs)
  HG-G-g  (n) Phase slope G in HG model in g filter (HGGg) (meta.cryptic)
  e_HG-G-g  (n) Uncertainty on phase slope G in HG model in g filter (HGdGg) (meta.cryptic)
  HG-H-r mag (n) Absolute magnitude H in HG model in r filter (HGHr) (phys.magAbs)
  e_HG-H-r mag (n) Uncertainty on the absolute magnitude H in HG model in r filter (HGdHr) (phys.magAbs)
  HG-G-r  (n) Phase slope G in HG model in r filter (HGGr) (meta.cryptic)
  e_HG-G-r  (n) Uncertainty on phase slope G in HG model in r filter (HGdGr) (meta.cryptic)
  HG-rms  (n) RMS residuals of HG model (HG_rms) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  HG-rms-g  (n) RMS residuals of HG model in g filter (HGrmsg) (
  HG-rms-r  (n) RMS residuals of HG model in r filter (HGrmsr) (
  HG-chi2red  (n) Chi-square of HG model (HG_chi2red) (
  HG-status  Fit status of HG model (HG_status) (meta.code)
  HG-fit  Quality code of the fit of HG model (HG_fit) (meta.code.qual;;meta.modelled)
  HG1G2-H-g mag (n) Absolute magnitude H in HG1G2 model in g filter (HG1G2Hg) (phys.magAbs)
  e_HG1G2-H-g mag (n) Uncertainty on the absolute magnitude H in HG1G2 model in g filter (HG1G2dHg) (phys.magAbs)
  HG1G2-G1-g  (n) Phase slope G1 in HG1G2 model in g filter (HG1G2G1g) (meta.cryptic)
  e_HG1G2-G1-g  (n) Uncertainty on phase slope G1 in HG1G2 model in g filter (HG1G2dG1g) (meta.cryptic)
  HG1G2-G2-g  (n) Phase slope G2 in HG1G2 model in g filter (HG1G2G2g) (meta.cryptic)
  e_HG1G2-G2-g  (n) Uncertainty on phase slope G2 in HG1G2 model in g filter (HG1G2dG2g) (meta.cryptic)
  HG1G2-H-r mag (n) Absolute magnitude H in HG1G2 model in r filter (HG1G2Hr) (phys.magAbs)
  e_HG1G2-H-r mag (n) Uncertainty on the absolute magnitude H in HG1G2 model in g filter (HG1G2dHr) (phys.magAbs)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  HG1G2-G1-r  (n) Phase slope G1 in HG1G2 model in r filter (HG1G2G1r) (meta.cryptic)
  e_HG1G2-G1-r  (n) Uncertainty on phase slope G1 in HG1G2 model in r filter (HG1G2dG1r) (meta.cryptic)
  HG1G2-G2-r  (n) Phase slope G2 in HG1G2 model in r filter (HG1G2G2r) (meta.cryptic)
  e_HG1G2-G2-r  (n) Uncertainty on phase slope G2 in HG1G2 model in r filter (HG1G2dG2r) (meta.cryptic)
  HG1G2-rms  (n) RMS residuals of HG1G2 model (HG1G2_rms) (
  HG1G2-rms-g  (n) RMS residuals of HG1G2 model in g filter (HG1G2rmsg) (
  HG1G2-rms-r  (n) RMS residuals of HG1G2 model in r filter (HG1G2rmsr) (
  HG1G2-chi2red  (n) Chi-square of HG1G2 model (HG1G2_chi2red) (
  HG1G2-status  Fit status of HG1G2 model (HG1G2_status) (meta.code)
  HG1G2-fit  Quality code of the fit of HG1G2 model (HG1G2_fit) (meta.code.qual;;meta.modelled)
  SHG1G2-H-g mag (n) Absolute magnitude H in sHG1G2 model in g filter (SHG1G2Hg) (phys.magAbs)
  e_SHG1G2-H-g mag (n) Uncertainty on absolute magnitude H in sHG1G2 model in g filter (SHG1G2dHg) (phys.magAbs)
  SHG1G2-G1-g  (n) Phase slope G1 in sHG1G2 model in g filter (SHG1G2G1g) (meta.cryptic)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_SHG1G2-G1-g  (n) Uncertainty on phase slope G1 in sHG1G2 model in g filter (SHG1G2dG1g) (meta.cryptic)
  SHG1G2-G2-g  (n) Phase slope G2 in sHG1G2 model in g filter (SHG1G2G2g) (meta.cryptic)
  e_SHG1G2-G2-g  (n) Uncertainty on phase slope G2 in sHG1G2 model in g filter (SHG1G2dG2g) (meta.cryptic)
  SHG1G2-H-r mag (n) Absolute magnitude H in sHG1G2 model in r filter (SHG1G2Hr) (phys.magAbs)
  e_SHG1G2-H-r mag (n) Uncertainty on absolute magnitude H in sHG1G2 model in r filter (SHG1G2dHr) (phys.magAbs)
  SHG1G2-G1-r  (n) Phase slope G1 in sHG1G2 model in r filter (SHG1G2G1r) (meta.cryptic)
  e_SHG1G2-G1-r  (n) Uncertainty on phase slope G1 in sHG1G2 model in r filter (SHG1G2dG1r) (meta.cryptic)
  SHG1G2-G2-r  (n) Phase slope G2 in sHG1G2 model in r filter (SHG1G2G2r) (meta.cryptic)
  e_SHG1G2-G2-r  (n) Uncertainty on phase slope G2 in sHG1G2 model in r filter (SHG1G2dG2r) (meta.cryptic)
  SHG1G2-R  (n) Oblateness (SHG1G2_R) (phys.size;arith.ratio)
  e_SHG1G2-R  (n) Uncertainty on oblateness (SHG1G2_dR) (stat.error)
  SHG1G2-alpha0 deg (n) Right Ascension of the spin vector (SHG1G2_alpha0) (pos.eq.ra)
  SHG1G2-delta0 deg (n) Declination of the spin vector (SHG1G2_delta0) (pos.eq.dec)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  SHG1G2-alpha0-alt deg (n) Right Ascension of the spin vector, symmetric solution (SHG1G2alpha0alt) (pos.eq.ra)
  SHG1G2-delta0-alt deg (n) Declination of the spin vector, symmetric solution (SHG1G2delta0alt) (pos.eq.dec)
  e_SHG1G2-alpha0 deg (n) Uncertainty on the Right Ascension of the spin vector (SHG1G2_dalpha0) (stat.error)
  e_SHG1G2-delta0 deg (n) Uncertainty on the Declination of the spin vector (SHG1G2_ddelta0) (stat.error)
  SHG1G2-obliquity deg (n) Obliquity of the target (SHG1G2_obliquity) (src.orbital.inclination)
  SHG1G2mincoslambda  (n) Minimum cosine of the aspect angle Lambda (SHG1G2mincos_lambda) (src.orbital.inclination)
  SHG1G2meancoslambda  (n) Mean cosine of the aspect angle Lambda (SHG1G2meancos_lambda) (src.orbital.inclination)
  SHG1G2maxcoslambda  (n) Maximum cosine of the aspect angle Lambda (SHG1G2maxcos_lambda) (src.orbital.inclination)
  SHG1G2-rms  (n) RMS residuals of sHG1G2 model (SHG1G2_rms) (
  SHG1G2-rms-g  (n) RMS residuals of sHG1G2 model in g filter (SHG1G2rmsg) (
  SHG1G2-rms-r  (n) RMS residuals of sHG1G2 model in g filter (SHG1G2rmsr) (
  sHG1G2-chi2red  (n) Chi-square of sHG1G2 model (sHG1G2_chi2red) (
  sHG1G2-status  Fit status of sHG1G2 model (sHG1G2_status) (meta.code)
  sHG1G2-fit  Quality code of the fit of sHG1G2 model (sHG1G2_fit) (meta.code.qual;;meta.modelled)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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