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  PDRs4All III. JWST/NIR view of the Orion Bar (Peeters+, 2024)
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1.J/A+A/685/A74/t-g140hFive template spectra: grating G140H ([0.9699629, 1.8899879] um) (3916 rows)
2.J/A+A/685/A74/t-g235hFive template spectra: grating G235H ([1.6599748, 3.1699228] um) (3814 rows)
3.J/A+A/685/A74/t-g395hFive template spectra: grating G395H ([2.8700916, 5.2700766] um) (3610 rows)
4.J/A+A/685/A74/t-combFive template spectra: grating G140H, G235H, and G395H combined ([0.9699629, 5.2700766] um) (9618 rows)
5.J/A+A/685/A74/table3Line intensities (observed and corrected for extinction using foreground and intermingled formalisms) and column densities of selected H2 lines in v=0 and v=1 states for the five templates (165 rows)
6.J/A+A/685/A74/tableb1Observed line intensities and line identification of detected lines in the five templates (617 rows)

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  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
   (ALL)Wave um Wavelength (em.wl)
  (1+2+3+4)HII-SB MJy/sr HII region template: Surface Brightness (
  (1+2+3+4)e_HII-SB MJy/sr HII region template: Surface Brightness uncertainty (stat.error)
  (1+2+3+4)APDR-SB MJy/sr Atomic PDR template: Surface Brightness (
  (1+2+3+4)e_APDR-SB MJy/sr Atomic PDR template: Surface Brightness uncertainty (stat.error)
  (1+2+3+4)DF1-SB MJy/sr DF1 template: Surface Brightness (
  (1+2+3+4)e_DF1-SB MJy/sr DF1 template: Surface Brightness uncertainty (stat.error)
  (1+2+3+4)DF2-SB MJy/sr DF2 template: Surface Brightness (
  (1+2+3+4)e_DF2-SB MJy/sr DF2 template: Surface Brightness uncertainty (stat.error)
  (1+2+3+4)DF3-SB MJy/sr DF3 template: Surface Brightness (

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (1+2+3+4)e_DF3-SB MJy/sr DF3 template: Surface Brightness uncertainty (stat.error)
  (5)Template (char) Template spectrum (Template) (meta.note)
  (5)LineID (char) H2 Line identification (Line_ID) (;spect.line)
  (5)IntObs mW/m2/sr Observed intensity (Int_obs) (spect.line.intensity)
  (5)b_IntObs mW/m2/sr Observed intensity - lower bound (Intobslow_bound) (spect.line.intensity;stat.min)
  (5)B_IntObs mW/m2/sr Observed intensity - upper bound (Intobsupp_bound) (spect.line.intensity;stat.max)
  (5)IntExtcor-fg mW/m2/sr Extinction corrected intensity (foreground formalism) (Intextcorrfg) (phys.absorption)
  (5)b_IntExtcor-fg mW/m2/sr Extinction corrected intensity (foreground formalism) lower bound (Intextcorrfglowbound) (phys.absorption;stat.min)
  (5)B_IntExtcor-fg mW/m2/sr Extinction corrected intensity (foreground formalism) upper bound (Intextcorrfguppbound) (phys.absorption;stat.max)
  (5)IntExtcor-int mW/m2/sr (n) Extinction corrected intensity (intermingled formalism) (Intextcorrint) (phys.absorption)
  (5)b_IntExtcor-int mW/m2/sr (n) Extinction corrected intensity (intermingled formalism) lower bound (Intextcorrintlowbound) (phys.absorption;stat.min)
  (5)B_IntExtcor-int mW/m2/sr (n) Extinction corrected intensity (intermingled formalism) upper bound (Intextcorrintuppbound) (phys.absorption;stat.max)
  (5)NExtcor-fg cm-2 Column density (foreground formalism) (Nextcorrfg) (phys.columnDensity)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (5)b_NExtcor-fg cm-2 Column density (foreground formalism) lower bound (Nextcorrfglowbound) (phys.columnDensity;stat.min)
  (5)B_NExtcor-fg cm-2 Column density (foreground formalism) upper bound (Nextcorrfguppbound) (phys.columnDensity;stat.max)
  (5)NExtcor-int cm-2 (n) Column density (intermingled formalism) (Nextcorrint) (phys.columnDensity)
  (5)b_NExtcor-int cm-2 (n) Column density (intermingled formalism) lower bound (Nextcorrintlowbound) (phys.columnDensity;stat.min)
  (5)B_NExtcor-int cm-2 (n) Column density (intermingled formalism) upper bound (Nextcorrintuppbound) (phys.columnDensity;stat.max)
  (6)Line (char) Line identification (Note 1)   (;spect.line)
  (6)n_Line (char) [+] Note for overlapping lines (Note 1)   (meta.note)
  (6)NLine  (n) Sequential number for overlapping lines (meta.record)
  (6)HIIwavefit um (n) Wavelength of peak position Gaussian fit (em.wl)
  (6)HIIInt mW/m2/sr (n) HII region template: Observed line intensity (spect.line.intensity;obs.field)
  (6)e_HIIInt mW/m2/sr (n) HII region template: Observed line intensity uncertainty (stat.error)
  (6)APDRwavefit um (n) Atomic PDR template: Wavelength of peak position Gaussian fit (em.wl)
  (6)APDRInt mW/m2/sr (n) Atomic PDR template: Observed line intensity (spect.line.intensity)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (6)e_APDRInt mW/m2/sr (n) Atomic PDR template: Observed line intensity uncertainty (stat.error)
  (6)DF1wavefit um (n) DF1 template: Wavelength of peak position Gaussian fit (em.wl)
  (6)DF1Int mW/m2/sr (n) DF1 template: Observed line intensity (spect.line.intensity)
  (6)e_DF1Int mW/m2/sr (n) DF1 template: Observed line intensity uncertainty (stat.error)
  (6)DF2wavefit um (n) DF2 template: Wavelength of peak position Gaussian fit (em.wl)
  (6)DF2Int mW/m2/sr (n) DF2 template: Observed line intensity (spect.line.intensity)
  (6)e_DF2Int mW/m2/sr (n) DF2 template: Observed line intensity uncertainty (stat.error)
  (6)DF3wavefit um (n) DF3 template: Wavelength of peak position Gaussian fit (em.wl)
  (6)DF3Int mW/m2/sr (n) DF3 template: Observed line intensity (spect.line.intensity)
  (6)e_DF3Int mW/m2/sr (n) DF3 template: Observed line intensity uncertainty (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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