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  POSSUM RMs and galaxy group associations (Anderson+, 2024)
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1.J/MNRAS/533/4068/tablePOSSUM Rotation Measure (RM) measurement (22817 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  RAJ2000 deg (i) Right Ascension of RM source (J2000) (RAdeg) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination of RM source (J2000) (DEdeg) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  SBID  ASKAP Telescope Scheduling Block ID (sbid) (;obs)
  peakRM rad/m2 Peak RM (peakRMradmm) (phys.polarization.rotMeasure)
  e_peakRM rad/m2 Error in Peak RM (peakRMerr_radmm) (stat.error)
  peakRMc rad/m2 Peak RM with foreground scalar correction (peakRMforegroundcorrectedradmm) (phys.polarization.rotMeasure)
  peakRMfor rad/m2 Peak RM with surrounding foreground scalar (peakRMforegroundestimateradmm) (phys.polarization.rotMeasure)
  Ipeak mJy Stokes I peak flux density (stokesIpeakfluxdensity_mJy) (phys.polarization.stokes)
  e_Ipeak mJy Stokes I peak flux density (stokesIpeakfluxdensityerrmJy) (stat.error)
  PI mJy Polarised intensity (polintmJy) (phot.flux.density)

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  e_PI mJy Error in polarised intensity (polinterr_mJy) (stat.error)
  polsnr  Signal-to-noise ratio of polarised intensity (pol_snr) (stat.snr)
  RAndeg deg Right Ascension of nearest group (nearestgroupra_deg) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEndeg deg Declination of nearest group (nearestgroupdec_deg) (pos.eq.dec)
  TnestID  Tully NEST ID (tullynestID) (
  MKnestID (char) MK NEST ID (MKnestID) (
  nearb  Fiducial scaled impact parameter to nearest group member (nearestgroupscaledimpactparameter) (src.impactParam;pos.lg)
  nearr2td deg Angular size of splashback radius region (nearestgroupangularr2t_degs) (phys.angSize;obs.field)
  nearr2tM Mpc Physical size of splashback radius region (nearestgroupr2tMpc) (phys.size.radius;obs.field)
  nearDist Mpc Distance to nearest group from Earth (nearestgroupdistfromearth_Mpc) (pos.distance)
  nearRVcmb km/s CMB-relative velocity of nearest group (nearestgroupcmbrelativevelocitykmper_sec) (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.lg)
  nearM Msun Mass of nearest group (nearestgroupnestmassMsol) (phys.mass)
  nearNmemb  Number of members in the nearest group (nearestgroupnumberofmembers) (meta.number)

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