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  FUV to FIR phot. of massive galaxies in SDSS Stripe 82 (Li+, 2023)
Post annotation
1.J/ApJS/267/17/galaxiesSample information (Table 1), flux density measurements in UV, optical, NIR, MIR and FIR (Tables 2 and 3) and physical properties (Table 5) (2781 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Seq   [1/2781] Index number (;meta.main)
  RAJ2000 deg (i) [13.6/36.1] Right ascension (J2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) [-1.3/1.3] Declination (J2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  z   [0.014/0.11] Spectroscopic redshift (src.redshift)
  Meth  (n) [0/4] Flag for the photometric method (Note 1)   (meta.code)
  Int  (n) [0/4] Target is in an interacting system flag (Note 2)   (meta.code)
  Comp   [0/2751] Index number of the merger companion (Note 3)   (
  a25 arcsec (n) [3.4/180] Semi-major axis of aperture (Note 4)   (phys.angSize.smajAxis;instr.fov)
  b25 arcsec (n) [3.2/123] Semi-minor axis of aperture (Note 4)   (phys.angSize.sminAxis;instr.fov)
  PA25 deg (n) [0.1/180] Position angle of aperture (Note 4)   (pos.posAng;instr.fov)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  R50 arcsec [0.9/53] SDSS database Petrosian half-light radius (phys.angSize;src)
  R90 arcsec [1.9/99] Database Petrosian R90 (phys.angSize;src)
  Re arcsec (n) [0.4/22.5] Effective radius from Bottrell+ 2019, J/MNRAS/486/390 (phys.angSize)
  n  (n) [0.5/8] Sersic index of single-Sersic model fit from Bottrell+ 2019, J/MNRAS/486/390 (
  Cl (char) Spectroscopic classification (Note 5)   (src.class)
  E(B-V) mag [0.016/0.09] Galactic extinction (Note 6)   (phot.color.excess)
  l_FFUV (char) Upper limit flag on FFUV (meta.code.error)
  FFUV uJy (n) [0.06/1789] GALEX FUV band flux density (Note 7)   (phot.flux;em.UV)
  e_FFUV uJy (n) [0.02/180] Uncertainty in FUV (Note 8)   (stat.error)
  l_FNUV (char) Upper limit flag on FNUV (meta.code.error)
  FNUV uJy (n) [0.4/1919] GALEX NUV band flux density (Note 7)   (phot.flux;em.UV)
  e_FNUV uJy (n) [0.1/192] Uncertainty in NUV (Note 8)   (stat.error)
  l_Fu (char) Upper limit flag on Fu (meta.code.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Fu mJy [0/5.5] The SDSS u band flux density (Note 7)   (phot.flux.density;em.opt.U)
  e_Fu mJy (n) [0/1.4] Uncertainty in Fu (Note 8)   (stat.error)
  Fg mJy [0.02/23.1] The SDSS g band flux density (Note 7)   (phot.flux.density;em.opt.B)
  e_Fg mJy [0.002/2.8] Uncertainty in Fg (Note 8)   (stat.error)
  Fr mJy [0.03/42.8] The SDSS r band flux density (Note 7)   (phot.flux.density;em.opt.R)
  e_Fr mJy [0.003/4.8] Uncertainty in Fr (Note 8)   (stat.error)
  Fi mJy [0.002/58.3] The SDSS i band flux density (Note 7)   (phot.flux.density;em.opt.I)
  e_Fi mJy [0/8.2] Uncertainty in Fi (Note 8)   (stat.error)
  l_Fz (char) Upper limit flag on Fz (meta.code.error)
  Fz mJy [0.03/71] The SDSS z band flux density (Note 7)   (phot.flux.density;em.opt.I)
  e_Fz mJy (n) [0.002/14.1] Uncertainty in Fz (Note 8)   (stat.error)
  l_FJ (char) Upper limit flag on FJ (meta.code.error)
  FJ mJy (n) [0.03/86] The 2MASS J band flux density (Note 7)   (phot.flux.density;em.IR.J)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_FJ mJy (n) [0.01/13] Uncertainty in FJ (Note 8)   (stat.error)
  l_FH (char) Upper limit flag on FH (meta.code.error)
  FH mJy (n) [0.017/114] The 2MASS H band flux density (Note 7)   (phot.flux.density;em.IR.H)
  e_FH mJy (n) [0.006/18] Uncertainty in FH (Note 8)   (stat.error)
  l_FKs (char) Upper limit flag on FKs (meta.code.error)
  FKs mJy (n) [0.001/83] The 2MASS Ks band flux density (Note 7)   (phot.mag;em.IR.K)
  e_FKs mJy (n) [0/13] Uncertainty in FKs (Note 8)   (stat.error)
  l_W1 (char) Upper limit flag on W1 (meta.code.error)
  W1 mJy (n) [0.024/46] WISE W1 (3.4um) band flux density (phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um)
  e_W1 mJy (n) [0.004/4.7] Uncertainty in W1 (Note 9)   (stat.error)
  l_W2 (char) Upper limit flag on W2 (meta.code.error)
  W2 mJy (n) [0.007/35] WISE W2 (4.6um) band flux density (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um)
  e_W2 mJy (n) [0.002/4] Uncertainty in W2 (Note 9)   (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  f_W3  (n) [0/1] Flag for extended object for W3 (Note 10)   (meta.code)
  l_W3 (char) Upper limit flag on W3 (meta.code.error)
  W3 mJy (n) [0.2/85] WISE W3 (12um) band flux density (phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um)
  e_W3 mJy (n) [0.04/17] Uncertainty in W3 (Note 9)   (stat.error)
  f_W4  (n) [0/1] Flag for extended object for W4 (Note 10)   (meta.code)
  l_W4 (char) Upper limit flag on W4 (meta.code.error)
  W4 mJy (n) [1.3/250] WISE W4 (22um) band flux density (phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um)
  e_W4 mJy (n) [0.3/55] Uncertainty in W4 (Note 9)   (stat.error)
  HELP (char) Cross-matching SDSS coordinates to Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP; Shirley+ 2021MNRAS.507..129S) catalog (Note 11)   (meta.code)
  l_250um (char) Upper limit flag on 250um (meta.code.error)
  250um mJy [0.9/1165] Herschel/SPIRE 250 micron band flux density (Note 12)   (phot.flux.density;
  e_250um mJy (n) [0.2/52] Uncertainty in 250um (Note 12)   (stat.error)
  l_350um (char) Upper limit flag on 350um (meta.code.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  350um mJy (n) [0.9/468] Herschel/SPIRE 350 micron band flux density (Note 12)   (phot.flux.density;
  e_350um mJy (n) [0.2/34] Uncertainty in 350um (Note 13)   (stat.error)
  l_500um (char) Upper limit flag on 500um (meta.code.error)
  500um mJy (n) [1.2/199] Herschel/SPIRE 500 micron band flux density (Note 12)   (phot.flux.density;
  e_500um mJy (n) [0.9/54] Uncertainty in 500um (Note 13)   (stat.error)
  rchi2  (n) [0.18/29.2] Reduced Chi Square (
  logSFR [Msun/yr](n) [-4.3/1.3] Log star formation rate (
  e_logSFR [Msun/yr](n) [0.02/5] Uncertainty in logSFR (stat.error;phys.SFR)
  logMstar [Msun] (n) [6.5/12.1] Log stellar mass (phys.mass)
  e_logMstar [Msun] (n) [0.02/0.3] Uncertainty in logMstar (stat.error)
  logMdust [Msun] (n) [5.2/9] Total log dust mass (phys.mass)
  e_logMdust [Msun] (n) [0.02/1.5] Uncertainty in logMdust (stat.error)
  fAGN % (n) [0/60] AGN fraction in IR luminosity (Note 14)   (phys.luminosity;arith.ratio;em.IR)
  logL5007 [10-7W] (n) [35.6/42] Log [OIII]5007 luminosity (Note 15)   (phys.luminosity;em.opt)
  e_logL5007 [10-7W] (n) [0/206] Uncertainty in logL5007 (stat.error)
  B19  (n)Display data from Bottrell+, 2019, J/MNRAS/486/390 within 3" (meta.ref.url)
  Sloan  Display the online SDSS-DR16 data for the nearest object (meta.ref.url)
  2M  Display the 2MASS data (II/246) within 3" (meta.ref.url)
  WISEA  Display the AllWISE data (II/328) within 3" (meta.ref.url)
  SDSS  Display the SDSS-DR16 data (V/154) within 3" (meta.ref.url)
  SED  SED plot of this galaxy (meta.ref.url)
  SimbadName (char) (n)Designation understandable by the Simbad data-base (

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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