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  Planetary nebulae with GALEX, SDSS & PS1 data (Gomez-Munoz+, 2023)
    J/ApJS/266/34/table6(c)Matched PNcat database with the GALEX surveys (GUVPNcat) (original column names in green) (1605 rows)
    J/ApJS/266/34/table7(c)Matched PNcat database with the SDSS DR16 database (PNcatxSDSSDR16) (original column names in green) (108 rows)
    J/ApJS/266/34/table8(c)Matched PNcat with the Pan-STARRS PS1 MDS database (PNcatxPS1MDS) (original column names in green) (3301 rows)
    J/ApJS/266/34/table9(c)Comprehensive matched catalog of GALEX, SDSS, and Pan-STARRS with the PNcat including only unique matches (GUVPNcatxSDSSDR16xPS1MDS) (original column names in green) (375 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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