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  A1Π-X1Σ+ transitions of CO study (Cheng+, 2018)
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1.J/ApJ/859/19/table6Spectral parameters of the linelist (16170 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  dJ(J1) (char) Linelist; Branch (upper rotational quantum number) (phys.atmol)
  Elow cm-1 [1081.7/34837] Lower energy level (;phys.atmol.level)
  E(2)-E(1) cm-1 [49095/73045.6] Transition wavenumber (em.wavenumber;phys.atmol.transition)
  A s-1 [0.02/9.4e+06] Einstein coefficient (phys.atmol.transProb)
  gu   [3/223] Upper-state statistical weight (stat.weight)
  gl   [1/221] Lower-state statistical weight (stat.weight)
  v0-v1 (char) Transition band (;phys.atmol.transition)
  I   [1.5e-91/2.3e-16] Intensity at 296K; cm–1/(molecule/cm2) (spect.line.intensity)
  f   [2.4e-11/0.02] Oscillator strength (phys.atmol.oscStrength)
  sigma   [7.3e-25/2.4e-16] Cross section; cm2 Angstrom (phys.atmol.crossSection)

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