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  ZTF SN Ia DR2 (Dimitriadis+, 2025)
Post annotation
1.J/A+A/694/A10/tablea2SNe GP fit parameters (1524 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  ZTF (char) Supernova ZTF name (ztfname) (;meta.main)
  RAJ2000 deg (i) Right ascension (J2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination (J2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  MJDpeakg-nk d (n) MJD time of peak, g-band, no K-cor (mjdpeakg_nk) (time.epoch)
  e_MJDpeakg-nk d (n) MJD time of peak, g-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (mjdpeakgerrnk) (stat.error)
  MJDpeakr-nk d (n) MJD time of peak, r-band, no K-cor (mjdpeakr_nk) (time.epoch)
  e_MJDpeakr-nk d (n) MJD time of peak, r-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (mjdpeakrerrnk) (stat.error)
  MJDpeaki-nk d (n) MJD time of peak, i-band, no K-cor (mjdpeaki_nk) (time.epoch)
  e_MJDpeaki-nk d (n) MJD time of peak, i-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (mjdpeakierrnk) (stat.error)
  gmagpeak-nk mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, g-band, no K-cor (magpeakg_nk) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_gmagpeak-nk mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, g-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (magpeakgerrnk) (stat.error)
  rmagpeak-nk mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, r-band, no K-cor (magpeakr_nk) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  e_rmagpeak-nk mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, r-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (magpeakrerrnk) (stat.error)
  imagpeak-nk mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, i-band, no K-cor (magpeaki_nk) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  e_imagpeak-nk mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, i-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (magpeakierrnk) (stat.error)
  gMAGpeak-nk mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, g-band, no K-cor (absmagpeakgnk) (phys.magAbs)
  e_gMAGpeak-nk mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, g-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (absmagpeakgerr_nk) (stat.error)
  rMAGpeak-nk mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, r-band, no K-cor (absmagpeakrnk) (phys.magAbs)
  e_rMAGpeak-nk mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, r-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (absmagpeakrerr_nk) (stat.error)
  iMAGpeak-nk mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, i-band, no K-cor (absmagpeakink) (phys.magAbs)
  e_iMAGpeak-nk mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, i-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (absmagpeakierr_nk) (stat.error)
  dmp15g-nk mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, g-band, no K-cor (dmp15g_nk) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmp15g-nk mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, g-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (dmp15gerrnk) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  dmp15r-nk mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, r-band, no K-cor (dmp15r_nk) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmp15r-nk mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, r-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (dmp15rerrnk) (stat.error)
  dmp15i-nk mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, i-band, no K-cor (dmp15i_nk) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmp15i-nk mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, i-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (dmp15ierrnk) (stat.error)
  dmm5g-nk mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, g-band, no K-cor (dmm5g_nk) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmm5g-nk mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, g-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (dmm5gerrnk) (stat.error)
  dmm5r-nk mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, r-band, no K-cor (dmm5r_nk) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmm5r-nk mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, r-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (dmm5rerrnk) (stat.error)
  dmm5i-nk mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, i-band, no K-cor (dmm5i_nk) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmm5i-nk mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, i-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (dmm5ierrnk) (stat.error)
  g-rpeak-nk mag (n) g-r colour at peak, no K-cor (grpeaknk) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  e_g-rpeak-nk mag (n) g-r colour at peak, no K-cor, uncertainty (grpeakerr_nk) (stat.error)
  g-ipeak-nk mag (n) g-i colour at peak, no K-cor (gipeaknk) (phot.color)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_g-ipeak-nk mag (n) g-i colour at peak, no K-cor, uncertainty (gipeakerr_nk) (stat.error)
  r-ipeak-nk mag (n) r-i colour at peak, no K-cor (ripeaknk) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  e_r-ipeak-nk mag (n) r-i colour at peak, no K-cor, uncertainty (ripeakerr_nk) (stat.error)
  g-rp15-nk mag (n) g-r colour at +15 days, no K-cor (grp15nk) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  e_g-rp15-nk mag (n) g-r colour at +15 days, no K-cor, uncertainty (grp15err_nk) (stat.error)
  g-ip15-nk mag (n) g-i colour at +15 days, no K-cor (gip15nk) (phot.color)
  e_g-ip15-nk mag (n) g-i colour at +15 days, no K-cor, uncertainty (gip15err_nk) (stat.error)
  r-ip15-nk mag (n) r-i colour at +15 days, no K-cor (rip15nk) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  e_r-ip15-nk mag (n) r-i colour at +15 days, no K-cor, uncertainty (rip15err_nk) (stat.error)
  g-rm5-nk mag (n) g-r colour at -5 days, no K-cor (grm5nk) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  e_g-rm5-nk mag (n) g-r colour at -5 days, no K-cor, uncertainty (grm5err_nk) (stat.error)
  g-im5-nk mag (n) g-i colour at -5 days, no K-cor (gim5nk) (phot.color)
  e_g-im5-nk mag (n) g-i colour at -5 days, no K-cor, uncertainty (gim5err_nk) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  r-im5-nk mag (n) r-i colour at -5 days, no K-cor (rim5nk) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  e_r-im5-nk mag (n) r-i colour at -5 days, no K-cor, uncertainty (rim5err_nk) (stat.error)
  tr-tg-nk d (n) Time difference of peak r-band and peak g-band, no K-cor (trtgnk) (time;arith.diff)
  e_tr-tg-nk d (n) Time difference of peak r-band and peak g-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (trtgerr_nk) (stat.error)
  ti-tg-nk d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak g-band, no K-cor (titgnk) (time;arith.diff)
  e_ti-tg-nk d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak g-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (titgerr_nk) (stat.error)
  ti-tr-nk d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak r-band, no K-cor (titrnk) (time;arith.diff)
  e_ti-tr-nk d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak r-band, no K-cor, uncertainty (titrerr_nk) (stat.error)
  MJDpeakg-ks d (n) MJD time of peak, g-band, salt K-cor (mjdpeakg_ks) (time.epoch)
  e_MJDpeakg-ks d (n) MJD time of peak, g-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (mjdpeakgerrks) (stat.error)
  MJDpeakr-ks d (n) MJD time of peak, r-band, salt K-cor (mjdpeakr_ks) (time.epoch)
  e_MJDpeakr-ks d (n) MJD time of peak, r-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (mjdpeakrerrks) (stat.error)
  MJDpeaki-ks d (n) MJD time of peak, i-band, salt K-cor (mjdpeaki_ks) (time.epoch)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_MJDpeaki-ks d (n) MJD time of peak, i-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (mjdpeakierrks) (stat.error)
  gmagpeak-ks mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, g-band, salt K-cor (magpeakg_ks) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_gmagpeak-ks mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, g-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (magpeakgerrks) (stat.error)
  rmagpeak-ks mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, r-band, salt K-cor (magpeakr_ks) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  e_rmagpeak-ks mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, r-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (magpeakrerrks) (stat.error)
  imagpeak-ks mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, i-band, salt K-cor (magpeaki_ks) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  e_imagpeak-ks mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, i-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (magpeakierrks) (stat.error)
  gMAGpeak-ks mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, g-band, salt K-cor (absmagpeakgks) (phys.magAbs)
  e_gMAGpeak-ks mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, g-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (absmagpeakgerr_ks) (stat.error)
  rMAGpeak-ks mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, r-band, salt K-cor (absmagpeakrks) (phys.magAbs)
  e_rMAGpeak-ks mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, r-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (absmagpeakrerr_ks) (stat.error)
  iMAGpeak-ks mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, i-band, salt K-cor (absmagpeakiks) (phys.magAbs)
  e_iMAGpeak-ks mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, i-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (absmagpeakierr_ks) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  dmp15g-ks mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, g-band, salt K-cor (dmp15g_ks) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmp15g-ks mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, g-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (dmp15gerrks) (stat.error)
  dmp15r-ks mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, r-band, salt K-cor (dmp15r_ks) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmp15r-ks mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, r-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (dmp15rerrks) (stat.error)
  dmp15i-ks mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, i-band, salt K-cor (dmp15i_ks) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmp15i-ks mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, i-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (dmp15ierrks) (stat.error)
  dmm5g-ks mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, g-band, salt K-cor (dmm5g_ks) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmm5g-ks mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, g-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (dmm5gerrks) (stat.error)
  dmm5r-ks mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, r-band, salt K-cor (dmm5r_ks) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmm5r-ks mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, r-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (dmm5rerrks) (stat.error)
  dmm5i-ks mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, i-band, salt K-cor (dmm5i_ks) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmm5i-ks mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, i-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (dmm5ierrks) (stat.error)
  g-rpeak-ks mag (n) g-r colour at peak, salt K-cor (grpeakks) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_g-rpeak-ks mag (n) g-r colour at peak, salt K-cor, uncertainty (grpeakerr_ks) (stat.error)
  g-ipeak-ks mag (n) g-i colour at peak, salt K-cor (gipeakks) (phot.color)
  e_g-ipeak-ks mag (n) g-i colour at peak, salt K-cor, uncertainty (gipeakerr_ks) (stat.error)
  r-ipeak-ks mag (n) r-i colour at peak, salt K-cor (ripeakks) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  e_r-ipeak-ks mag (n) r-i colour at peak, salt K-cor, uncertainty (ripeakerr_ks) (stat.error)
  g-rp15-ks mag (n) g-r colour at +15 days, salt K-cor (grp15ks) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  e_g-rp15-ks mag (n) g-r colour at +15 days, salt K-cor, uncertainty (grp15err_ks) (stat.error)
  g-ip15-ks mag (n) g-i colour at +15 days, salt K-cor (gip15ks) (phot.color)
  e_g-ip15-ks mag (n) g-i colour at +15 days, salt K-cor, uncertainty (gip15err_ks) (stat.error)
  r-ip15-ks mag (n) r-i colour at +15 days, salt K-cor (rip15ks) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  e_r-ip15-ks mag (n) r-i colour at +15 days, salt K-cor, uncertainty (rip15err_ks) (stat.error)
  g-rm5-ks mag (n) g-r colour at -5 days, salt K-cor (grm5ks) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  e_g-rm5-ks mag (n) g-r colour at -5 days, salt K-cor, uncertainty (grm5err_ks) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  g-im5-ks mag (n) g-i colour at -5 days, salt K-cor (gim5ks) (phot.color)
  e_g-im5-ks mag (n) g-i colour at -5 days, salt K-cor, uncertainty (gim5err_ks) (stat.error)
  r-im5-ks mag (n) r-i colour at -5 days, salt K-cor (rim5ks) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  e_r-im5-ks mag (n) r-i colour at -5 days, salt K-cor, uncertainty (rim5err_ks) (stat.error)
  tr-tg-ks d (n) Time difference of peak r-band and peak g-band, salt K-cor (trtgks) (time;arith.diff)
  e_tr-tg-ks d (n) Time difference of peak r-band and peak g-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (trtgerr_ks) (stat.error)
  ti-tg-ks d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak g-band, salt K-cor (titgks) (time;arith.diff)
  e_ti-tg-ks d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak g-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (titgerr_ks) (stat.error)
  ti-tr-ks d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak r-band, salt K-cor (titrks) (time;arith.diff)
  e_ti-tr-ks d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak r-band, salt K-cor, uncertainty (titrerr_ks) (stat.error)
  MJDpeakg-kt d (n) MJD time of peak, g-band, template K-cor (mjdpeakg_kt) (time.epoch)
  e_MJDpeakg-kt d (n) MJD time of peak, g-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (mjdpeakgerrkt) (stat.error)
  MJDpeakr-kt d (n) MJD time of peak, r-band, template K-cor (mjdpeakr_kt) (time.epoch)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_MJDpeakr-kt d (n) MJD time of peak, r-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (mjdpeakrerrkt) (stat.error)
  MJDpeaki-kt d (n) MJD time of peak, i-band, template K-cor (mjdpeaki_kt) (time.epoch)
  e_MJDpeaki-kt d (n) MJD time of peak, i-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (mjdpeakierrkt) (stat.error)
  gmagpeak-kt mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, g-band, template K-cor (magpeakg_kt) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_gmagpeak-kt mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, g-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (magpeakgerrkt) (stat.error)
  rmagpeak-kt mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, r-band, template K-cor (magpeakr_kt) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  e_rmagpeak-kt mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, r-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (magpeakrerrkt) (stat.error)
  imagpeak-kt mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, i-band, template K-cor (magpeaki_kt) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  e_imagpeak-kt mag (n) Apparent peak brightness, i-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (magpeakierrkt) (stat.error)
  gMAGpeak-kt mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, g-band, template K-cor (absmagpeakgkt) (phys.magAbs)
  e_gMAGpeak-kt mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, g-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (absmagpeakgerr_kt) (stat.error)
  rMAGpeak-kt mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, r-band, template K-cor (absmagpeakrkt) (phys.magAbs)
  e_rMAGpeak-kt mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, r-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (absmagpeakrerr_kt) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  iMAGpeak-kt mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, i-band, template K-cor (absmagpeakikt) (phys.magAbs)
  e_iMAGpeak-kt mag (n) Absolute peak brightness, i-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (absmagpeakierr_kt) (stat.error)
  dmp15g-kt mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, g-band, template K-cor (dmp15g_kt) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmp15g-kt mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, g-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (dmp15gerrkt) (stat.error)
  dmp15r-kt mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, r-band, template K-cor (dmp15r_kt) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmp15r-kt mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, r-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (dmp15rerrkt) (stat.error)
  dmp15i-kt mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, i-band, template K-cor (dmp15i_kt) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmp15i-kt mag (n) Decline rate in 15 days from peak, i-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (dmp15ierrkt) (stat.error)
  dmm5g-kt mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, g-band, template K-cor (dmm5g_kt) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmm5g-kt mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, g-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (dmm5gerrkt) (stat.error)
  dmm5r-kt mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, r-band, template K-cor (dmm5r_kt) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  e_dmm5r-kt mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, r-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (dmm5rerrkt) (stat.error)
  dmm5i-kt mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, i-band, template K-cor (dmm5i_kt) (phot.mag;arith.diff)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_dmm5i-kt mag (n) Increase rate from 5 days before peak, i-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (dmm5ierrkt) (stat.error)
  g-rpeak-kt mag (n) g-r colour at peak, template K-cor (grpeakkt) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  e_g-rpeak-kt mag (n) g-r colour at peak, template K-cor, uncertainty (grpeakerr_kt) (stat.error)
  g-ipeak-kt mag (n) g-i colour at peak, template K-cor (gipeakkt) (phot.color)
  e_g-ipeak-kt mag (n) g-i colour at peak, template K-cor, uncertainty (gipeakerr_kt) (stat.error)
  r-ipeak-kt mag (n) r-i colour at peak, template K-cor (ripeakkt) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  e_r-ipeak-kt mag (n) r-i colour at peak, template K-cor, uncertainty (ripeakerr_kt) (stat.error)
  g-rp15-kt mag (n) g-r colour at +15 days, template K-cor (grp15kt) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  e_g-rp15-kt mag (n) g-r colour at +15 days, template K-cor, uncertainty (grp15err_kt) (stat.error)
  g-ip15-kt mag (n) g-i colour at +15 days, template K-cor (gip15kt) (phot.color)
  e_g-ip15-kt mag (n) g-i colour at +15 days, template K-cor, uncertainty (gip15err_kt) (stat.error)
  r-ip15-kt mag (n) r-i colour at +15 days, template K-cor (rip15kt) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  e_r-ip15-kt mag (n) r-i colour at +15 days, template K-cor, uncertainty (rip15err_kt) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  g-rm5-kt mag (n) g-r colour at -5 days, template K-cor (grm5kt) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  e_g-rm5-kt mag (n) g-r colour at -5 days, template K-cor, uncertainty (grm5err_kt) (stat.error)
  g-im5-kt mag (n) g-i colour at -5 days, template K-cor (gim5kt) (phot.color)
  e_g-im5-kt mag (n) g-i colour at -5 days, template K-cor, uncertainty (gim5err_kt) (stat.error)
  r-im5-kt mag (n) r-i colour at -5 days, template K-cor (rim5kt) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  e_r-im5-kt mag (n) r-i colour at -5 days, template K-cor, uncertainty (rim5err_kt) (stat.error)
  tr-tg-kt d (n) Time difference of peak r-band and peak g-band, template K-cor (trtgkt) (time;arith.diff)
  e_tr-tg-kt d (n) Time difference of peak r-band and peak g-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (trtgerr_kt) (stat.error)
  ti-tg-kt d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak g-band, template K-cor (titgkt) (time;arith.diff)
  e_ti-tg-kt d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak g-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (titgerr_kt) (stat.error)
  ti-tr-kt d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak r-band, template K-cor (titrkt) (time;arith.diff)
  e_ti-tr-kt d (n) Time difference of peak i-band and peak r-band, template K-cor, uncertainty (titrerr_kt) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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